
Lillian Vernon Registry

About Lillian Vernon

Lillian Vernon is a specialty store where you can buy more and save more. This store offers personalized gifts, holiday and celebration accessories and decorations and much more. Lillian Vernon Corporation has been in business for over 56 years. Its a national catalog and online retailer that sells gifts, household items, children's fashion and toys and fashion accessory products. Lillian Vernon specializes in personalization, organization and celebration. They publish three catalog titles: Lillian Vernon, Lilly's Kids and The Big Sale Catalog. The catalogs have over 700 products in each edition of their catalog. Lillian Vernon is well known for offering unique merchandise and good values. Visit their website today.

Request a Lillian Vernon Catalog

  • Lillian Vernon is loved the world over for our unique selection of gift, household, children's and fashion accessory products. Join our select group of preferred customers who are first to hear about online-only sales and discounts from www.LillianVernon.com, and receive free copies of our full color print catalogs, as well. As a member of this exclusive group, you'll enjoy:
  • Special sneak peeks of our online catalogs
  • Online-only offers & discounts • Online-only products •Convenient Gift Reminder service